Why Braces?

Types of Braces

Not many people are lucky to be born with perfect teeth. Orthodontic treatment can make a tremendous difference to you or your child. Dr. Berka will will be able to make a diagnosis and formulate a treatment plan to address and correct all issues with the teeth and the bite. The treatment plan may include any of the following types of braces or dental appliances to help correct your particular problem.

  • Forsus Appliances used to correct overbite (upper front teeth ahead of lower front teeth).
  • Palatal Expanders used for narrow palates (upper jaws).
  • Metal Braces are very common. You can add coloured elastics to enhance your smile. (described in further detail below)
  • Ceramic Braces are now more common than in the past. Ceramic braces are more discreet than metal braces. (described in further detail below)
  • Invisalign removable aligners have become very popular over the last decade. (described in further detail below)

Metal Braces

Metal Braces are the most common type of braces, made from medical grade stainless steel. With metal braces you have the option of adding coloured elastics to your braces for a more unique and colourful smile.

Ceramic or Clear Braces

Ceramic Braces are made from clear material and are less visible on your teeth than metal. They are just as effective as metal braces. At Milton Orthodontics, upper ceramic braces are offered to all patients including children and teens, not just adults.

Invisalign or Clear Retainers

Invisalign or Clear Retainers/Aligners use a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable trays to gradually move teeth. Each aligner is worn for 2-3 weeks (depending on the case) and only taken out to eat, drink, brush, and floss. For more information go to www.invisalign.com.


Our Brace Photo Gallery

The First Few Days With My Braces

When you get your braces fitted or receive your Invisalign aligners by Milton Orthodontics, you may feel general soreness in your mouth and teeth may be tender to biting pressures for three to five days. If there is tenderness, take Tylenol (acetaminophen) or whatever you normally take for a headache or similar pain. We recommend that you eat soft foods that do not require a lot of chewing (e.g. soup, soft pasta, mashed potatoes) until the soreness is gone. Avoid tough meats, hard bread and raw vegetables.

For braces: the lips, cheeks, and tongue may also become irritated for one to two weeks as they toughen and become accustomed to the surface of the braces. We will give you wax to help with this. Dr Berka and Milton Orthodontics will provide you with wax for you to put on the braces to lessen the rubbing of your braces on the inside of the surface of your mouth. Milton Orthodontics will show you how to apply the wax on your braces if you have forgotten.

Foods to Avoid with Braces

Which foods should I avoid?

It’s a good idea to skip foods that can damage or dislodge braces. Hard foods such as candy, raw carrots, corn on the cob, pretzels, nuts, popcorn and crushed ice are off-limits. Sticky foods to avoid include caramel, taffy and gum. These foods can get stuck between teeth and gums or bend wires and knock bands or brackets loose. If this results in damage to braces, treatment may be extended.
Avoid Foods like popcorn with Braces On

Download Milton Orthodontics Information Sheet on Foods To Avoid while wearing braces.

Foods to Avoid Information Sheet

Brushing and Flossing with Braces

Dental Hygiene Toothbrush and Toothbrush

Every single patient receives personalized oral hygiene instruction with one of our dental assistants at the commencement of treatment. It is important for you to brush your teeth three times daily to avoid the accumulation of food particles on your teeth and braces. All patients with full braces receive an Oral-B electric brush included in the cost of the treatment at Milton Orthodontics. We encourage you to floss and use proxy brush once per day. You also receive proxy brushes, floss, floss threaders and mouthwash throughout your treatment. We assess your oral hygiene at every appointment and teach you to how to improve if needed.

Poor oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment can lead to permanent white marks (decalcification) on the enamel of the teeth. It can also result in puffy, red and bleeding gums. This is why good oral hygiene throughout orthodontic treatment is so important!

  • Brush in the morning
  • Brush after each main meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
  • Brush before bed

Flossing with Braces On. Image is with a Floss Brush

Do I need to see my dentist during orthodontic treatment?

Yes! Remember that going to the orthodontist is not a substitute for regular dental checkups and cleanings. If you’re going to invest time and financial resources into a healthy smile, be prepared to go the distance to achieve the best results. That means you should consult your dentist for a schedule that’s appropriate for you. Patients in active orthodontic treatment benefit from more regular dental cleaning with your family dentist every 3-4 months.

Want to learn more about call our office today see miltonorthodontics.ca

Information on Brushing with Braces



Coloured Braces – Cool What Colours of Braces Can I Get?

Many patients enjoy their orthodontic appointments as they get to choose what colour to put on their braces.

Some pick colours around the season (red and green for Christmas; orange and black for Halloween) or what makes them feel good.

3M offers a customizable tool to help you select your colours however our orthodontic hygienist have many great tips, when you see
them at your next appointment. Give it a try!

Colour Your Braces Milton OrthodonticsColoured Elastics for your Braces
Paint Your Smile

Our Brace Photo Gallery